BACK IN 1987…

Outside con began with Robert Embler being in the cub scouts, 4-H, Boy scouts, learning to ski, and all around being a nature lover choosing to hike and seek out natural preserves to camp. He had grand adventures as a youth and has continued that tradition to today.
In addition, he attended Science Fiction/Fantasy conventions and loved attending and hanging with friends.
Eventually he discovered he could rent space at campgrounds and thus the idea of merging the two began at Billy Dunlap Park where the first two OSCs were held. A good turnout encouraged him and he sought a bigger space as the turnouts kept increasing. That led him to Montgomery Bell State Park, a place he had gone to at age 8 or 9 with a church camp, later also with the Boy Scouts of Ft. Campbell, and then even later with the SCA.
MaryMount was used for a short period of time to increase attendance and to present better food options, as in the good ol’ days they had to use fires at Montgomery Bell, plus the ovens of Mr. and Mrs Embler Sr.
Ernest called us back though. And the campgrounds we use now were featured in the film Ernest Goes to Camp. The same kitchen is now Janet Hopkins domain where she whips up whatever they did not already prepare in her own kitchen.
“Please have a good time and I hope this kindles in you the same love I have for the great outdoors and a desire to learn about and stay in other state parks.” -Robert Wayne Embler